McClellan & Associates

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”  -Helen Keller

Our Approach

Psychotherapy is a collaborative effort based on the relationship between the therapist in Dr. McClellan’s  practice and the individual client.  So many people suffer  with depression, anxiety, other mental or physical illness, relationship and financial difficulties, as well as substance abuse and a variety of addictive behaviors.  The struggle can become overwhelming and debilitating. 

His office provides the supportive, nonjudgemental environment that allows the client to talk openly about his problems.  Together with the therapist, the client can begin to identify and change thoughts and behaviors that keep the client from feeling his best, from being her best.  Coping skills are explored to help the client move forward.  Dr. McClellan’s ultimate goal is to help people improve the quality of their life. 

About Dr. McClellan's Practice

Dr. Glenn McClellan is a licensed clinical psychologist with 41 years experience.   He received his Bachelor’s  degree in psychology from UCLA, and a Masters degree from Biola University.  Dr. McClellan went on to obtain a PhD  in clinical psychology from California Graduate Institute, in  Los Angeles, California.

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Our Marriage Transformed masterclass

5 simple shifts our clients use to rekindle the spark, save their marriages, while building an amazing life together!

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10 things every couple should know

Inevitably couples fight over the course of their relationship. It can be a part of growing closer or growing apart.  These 10 words and terms give couples the blueprint to talk with one another in a manner that brings positive change and health to their relationship.

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